This level officially sucks, but it is possible to get through. After the door is unlocked in the Approach to Vikram's area, you'll go through to a door leading outside -- go to the right instead of down because you can't get back up. Going to the right allows you to visit the Safe House and come back.
When you're ready to drop down into the area, you might want to kill the spitter that is roaming about just ahead from this vantage point where he can't get you and where you can hide from the spitballs. A red and white explosive barrel sits between you and he, so if you can get him near the barrel, shoot it and let the flames take care of him to save some ammo. Just remember to back up behind the door so you don't get spit on.
After spitter zombie is dead, follow the wall towards the beat-up pile of vehicles and scan for the CCTV transmitter. Then return to where the spitter was and approach the fence. You'll see a hole in it you can slide under -- do so. You see an old-time van here; to the right of it is a zombie playing dead and laying on the ground. Kill him, then pick up the weapon upgrade in the tall grasses nearby.
Note: You can come in from the other direction, but doing so this way cleans up the place for when you come out of the building via the staircase on this side of the building on the second floor.
Into the Death Trap
Now turn and look into the ball courts near the building. There is a single zombie there; you can snipe him from here or kill him in whatever other fashion you desire. After you do, approach the hole in the fence and slide under, then turn the corner of the building and enter it by the front door.NOTE: This is where the demo starts. Why Ubisoft decided this wretched portion of the game should be the demo is beyond me; it may have driven buyers away it was so nasty.
Slide under the table at right and climb over a bookcase ahead of you. Then enter the door that's open in the corner diagonal from the door you came in. There are two, but the one to the left is locked. In the restroom, duck down into the crawlspace and crawl around the corner into the hallway behind the door that was locked in the first room. You can turn around and unlock it if you like, but I personally never came back to this horrible place.
You're in a small hall -- don't leave it yet. Peer around the corner and you'll see a metal storage cabinet. When you approach it a zombie will leap out at you, so approach with a weapon at the ready so you can shoot it in the face. The room at left has nothing in it. Pick the lock for the door leading out of the hallway.
You're in a stairway. If you want full completion, go upstairs and kill the zombies in the room above you and then come back here. There are two zombies there. The medicine is not there. Whether you killed them or not, from here, go downstairs with a mine equipped. You'll see an armored zombie in the hall ahead of you. Let him sniff you out -- do not leave the stairwell -- then turn and walk around the bottom stairs and set the mine between you and the corner where he'll have to step on it. Turn around then and go under the stairs, ducking into a crawlspace there and crawling like crazy.The armored will hit the mine as you emerge into a small room with a door leading into the hallway right where he was standing. If you don't kill him this way, like I didn't in the video, then kill him immediately when you see him or right after you unlock the door to the small room and emerge from the hall.
Go into the room right across from the little room with the door you unlocked -- it's the first door at left if you're looking from the stairwell into the hallway. Open the door at the other side of the room and then head straight to the door on the left wall. Cross to the far side of that room and grab a key card. Leave that room and go to the room at left -- you'll deal with the room across later, so don't wonder about it now -- and use the key card to get into that room. Check the medicine cabinet and grab the medicine, then attempt to leave the room and fall into the basement below. Hell beginneth here.
Work your way through several tunnels and/or doors to the large room. Due to my lack of a WiiU right now I cannot say more, but I can say it's pretty easy to get there; something like right, then left, possibly more. A labyrinthine maze is not the challenge here. You hear screaming and start to lose lights and communication with the Prepper -- you've come upon the game's only electric zombie. Relax a bit, there is only one and no other enemies are down here. The electric zombie will only appear in the very large room, so if necessary you can run here. The room has several doors and crawlspaces leading to it, as well.
About the room, firstly; there is a corner of it that has a room within and a door. The safest spot in my opinion to deal with the electric zombie is next to that room's side wall because it has a wall paralleling the room's wall, so the zombie has to come to you from only one direction because you have two directions (left and behind you) blocked.
The easiest was to kill this zombie is to wait until it appears, chuck a flare to a location the zombie can easily reach but away from you -- say across from the entrance to your little safe spot against the wall by the big grease spot -- and then follow it up with a well-timed grenade. End of zombie. I used to kill it by shooting it as it came at me between the two walls, but that takes forever and you can get hit. The zombiei only bitchslaps, luckily, but it bitchslaps pretty fast.
After the zombie is dead, cross the room to where another short stone wall is. On the inside of this you can scan to find one of four Enochian symbols. Stand just a few feet back -- you still need to be able to see the symbol -- and then scan around the room and you'll be able to scan and find all four symbols from the same location. In the video you'll see me playing with my spray paint can -- that's where.
Up and Out
After you get the goods in the locked room, head straight across and go through that door. Head into the next room, up the stairs, and then get all the goodies in the room above. Equip a flare and open the yellow door, chucking the flare to the right and then running left down the hall and up the stairs to the second floor. Whether you cleared the zombies out or not in this room, head straight for the door to the right and go through it.
NOTE: If you want a completion clear, you'll have to work that out yourself -- I really didn't care. I imagine following up the flare with a grenade would help, but in Survival Mode even the most innocuous confrontation can turn deadly in a second and make you start all over, not to mention that I'm not by any stretch a patient man, so I ran.
Return to the door the way you came in; you cleared it out then so it's still clear for you now. After the Prepper says "Incoming!" you should stay by the door until time comes to run between them and head for that hole in the fence -- you can slide under, they can't. This will get them away from you briefly. Make your way back to the ball court. Slide under the hole in the wall and head out of the front entrance to the nursery's playground, avoiding any zombies and/or shooting them. If you have zombies close on you, run back to the hole in the fence -- this is really your saving grace in a lot of ways, but remember they don't take long to come around, either.
After what seems like forever, the Prepper will say the door is open -- fly through it. If you like, you can then climb back up and kill the horde banging on the door, but be careful of the spitter if you haven't killed him yet, and don't waste ammo, just use a flare and a Molotov cocktail.
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